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Search Results for "Congresswoman Speier on the Crisis in Syria"
Congresswoman Speier on the Crisis in Syria
Congresswoman Speier speaks to KGO about Syrian Missile Strikes
Congresswoman Speier on her vote against the amendment to provide arms to Syrian rebels
April 13 Syria strikes - KPIX
Congresswoman Speier on ISIS and domestic violence in the NFL - MSNBC
Congresswoman Speier responds to Senate hearings on Military Rape Crisis
Speier on ISIS and Intelligence Politicization
Rep. Jackie Speier to unveil bill aimed at sexual assault on Capitol Hill
Congresswoman Speier -- Terrorism & Social Media
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) at the 2013 Capitol Hill Genocide Commemoration
2019 Progress Seminar - Congresswoman Jackie Speier
Congresswoman Jackie Speier - A Conversation About America: Sorting Facts from Fiction